
Flower man

The flower vendors in Italy, the fioristi, are responsible for saving more marriages and friendships than any other professional.  I ask myself, but only briefly, each time my husband brings "make-up" flowers, "Why do I have to like flowers so much! I was winning this fight!" When it seems like "the bud is off the bloom" there is no better solution for me than to bring home the blooms.

In talking to the flower vendor in the neighborhood who I pass everyday on may way to town I realized I had no clue about bringing home blooms! No wonder every single plant I bought died on the balcony because that's where it stayed, neglected, forgotten, abandoned, lost, and unloved.   I confess once I left our planted Christmas tree on the balcony for two years expecting divine intervention to bring it to life. Why tempt faith or fate again with any more attempts to grow something!?

Any time my daughter dug her hands into dirt, flour or clay and I could see her glow. Her green thumb growing while I was dreading dragging myself to nurseries again and again as I had already dragged her to nursery again and again.  

After a few more conversations with the local flower vendor, I realized that in addition to delivering cut flowers, he didn't mind at all setting up balcony planters and as my idea of checking the weather is to walk out in the morning on the balcony, I relied on him to know just when to organize the whole project. 

In the end new ground, very simply found: