
Broil my soul in champagne and butter

 "I don't really watch television" is a statement I never take as fact.  What is so bad about television?  Broil my soul in champagne and butter when it comes to watching cooking shows on television.  

Like Julie Powell, the author of the book cum film Julie and Julia I spent many hours as a child dreaming of meeting Julia Childs, dreaming of carmelizing, sauteeing, broiling, basting, frosting, baking, searing and saying "Bon Appetit!" I was in osmosis cooking heaven! 

Some important life lessons, besides enjoying your food, friends and family were found in  osmosis cooking.  "Never make excuses (for your cooking) " Julia Child.  "Check your clams carefully." Jeff Smith, The Frugal Gourmet would say. And today,  who would have thought you could learn such wit from Nigella Rawson who uses as piquant a vocabulary as she does ingredients? Or management skills from Jamie Oliver who can whip up just about anything in fifteen minutes? 

 Thankfully, when I ran out of the movie theater after seeing Julie and Julia to excitedly call my friend Lauri to rave about the idea behind the book, blog and movie and ask if she wanted to commit to "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" she politely said "No."  In my own blog adventure I am starting a Spice Journal. 

From a wet, sleepy Sunday in Milan, Italy where it rains all the time, a recipe from our 
"European cousin" London to spice things up.  

Day One - Recipe One

Nigella's Jerk Chicken and Rice (No peas please)